The Curve of Indifference

The cold mornings of november when the ultimate seductress( the quilt!) would make promises of that cozy feeling, making you crave for that five more minutes in its warmth was suddenly breached. On one such cold mornings, i dragged myself to the dining table ( where the heck are those slippers! damn! bread butter again!). I was in my silo of alofness before the rude shock came.

Mumbai Attacked! the channels busy selling news crying that this corpse was first shown on their channel, some busy infiltrating the Oberois and Taj where even ATS weren't exactly contemplating to go. The eyes were wide, jaws dropped! Not again, but look at the mindset, we measure the magnitude of seriousness of attack by the number of corpses,( 3 dead bah! my friend's BMW knocked 4 last night, these good for nothing scumbags). But suddenly the scumbags were counting their blessings as the ire was directed towards the other side of the story( How many more pilots should we dismiss, 5 would do good let me have caviar first ah! Clos De La Roche(1961) why not) the elite (ah! did ya mention Bahamas hah! outdated) were suddenly under the shadow of gun, but the direction of guns were ahem! in their direction. Yet the irony of the situation was of little relevance it pointed out to a stark truth slapping at face. Even you are not safe fella! They are marking their boundaries, sorry mapping their territory. 60 hrs later we may be breathing easy but the questions posed are not. I find all those familiar voices ringing around, yeah (terror doesn't shake me...i am an indian forward this to 10 ppl, mock show of solidarity, display of secular unity) but what is left to be shaken inside me when i have shut everything inside me tight. The airproof vessel where i gagged my conscience is too still to be shaken by any voices, decibels don't make a difference in a mortuary. When the damn reporter was beaming about how his live footage helped boost TRPs( and pump 3 bullets in ATS chief) the terrorists don't need a mastermind, just attack with a T.V set with Tata Sky plus, pause, play the picture ( ah! the balcony, he the third window from left) we must thank media a million more times.

Yet the stark reality lies somewhere else. It lies around us, from( heavens be thanked no one from my family! let's catch that episode of Daily soap i wonder whether they will show his face in this episode, i almost bruised my finger cutting vegetables thinking about it) to (another attack i am sick and tired of this crass! let's drink a Tiranga cocktail). I was amazed to see stock markets getting open ( they are in Taj, Oberoi not Dalal Street) on a day when Mumbai V.T was under threat again. The V.T again had people tearing out of trains rushing to grab that seat, the stuggle of life had won again. I cannot stop for the fallen, let the fallen find a messiah for themslves. While on face of it it sounds good, we are not perturbed by shit! But look inside, the fear is not always as panicky as that Bolly flick, it is more subtle when it is proxy, it churns out of eyes, it sits with you, talks with you, laughs with you. The bindassness is worth analyzing. My joys knew no bound when i watched " A Wednesday" as that fear was said for the first time. The fear of being hunted that the predator is lurking around. Proxy fear is what they created, the cloak of indifference when i beat an innocent who hit my scorpio ( I am not driving, i am flying low!) for interrupting in the royal retreat to silence of the bus watching a women being raped, is what is seen even when a terror strike occurs. The people pick up their pieces after blast, and move in that "muted silence". The ripple mongers are those Z+ bastards too far from the ground( I am a son of soil)

I have never known what it takes to be in a hostage situation or losing someone to these maniacs. True the pain cannot be felt until it clouds you, but what are we moving towards, house full shows the next day for a Bhojpuri flick in U.P hinterland is not solidarity, the curve of indifference is alas too shallow in domain yet it's range is so deep. We can go on with our lives, live under bombs, foreign rule, barbarians, dictators because that's what we have chosen to become. I am not asking us to hit a Pakistani the next time we meet, what is his fault. But why are we not doing our social duty, is the race of life so crucial that we can sacrifice others without thinking that we may have missed it this time but the grave for us is being dug by the indifference of someone else. The summation of this summation is leading to crisis, moral, social, vernacular, regional, identity and whatever attribute you can assign for yourself. It is this indifference that makes politician make money while hundreds eat pathetic food at Schools. It is this indifference that makes us watch extortion in front of our eyes. It is this indifference that makes us not to vote when elections come, it is this indifference which makes us grab acres of land in the name of religion. This is the indifference that makes us click free air travel in the website while reading about pilots being sacked and the same indifference which makes them say that don't blame us blame it the advertisement display algorithm!

Wake up guys! The indifference of reading this blog and saying that this the half truth is the asymptote of the Curve of Indifference..............


  1. Siddharth Singh said...

    dude..i risk sounding a member of "mutual admiration" club but this thing was just too good..i have recommended ur blog to few friends  

  2. Akhil.... said...

    great and honest thoughts yaaar....i m really honoured to have a friend who has such a brilliant social acumen.
    carry-on with the good work...  

  3. Shikha said...

    I just wish to say that this was honest and hard hitting. It probably will serve to awaken a few from their slumber... and you have brilliantly done your bit.