The Case of Iota

The 'iota' or the imaginary is the some total of the cosmic drama unfolding us, mesmerizing us to the extent that movies like "Matrix" appear to be "real" reality around us. The iota may not mean anything on the surface, yet (ask an Electrical engineer) the iota is around our lives shaping it not only through the mathematical realms but in social engineering this is the iota that counts. The iota is the proportion of invisible, the muted, the unspoken, those dazed hopes, lost appeals, traumatized reminiscences.

The iota is the heart of the unsaid, unfelt, unknown, undesirable, undone, under-scored. The iota is the discriminant of voices that are felt in those numb, cold moments when you have arms wrapped around yourself looking at the sum total of life. The iota is the void of heart when that gleam of dew fails to stir a ripple in conscience. The iota is reverberation when wrath is directed upon your bosom and the tender heart cries for "hope". The iota is the sum total of hopes dashed under the fist of fate we hoped would go away. Iota is the sum total of hungered bellies who are content with the crumbs shoved across them in the name of benevolence. Iota is the sum total of rituals with soulless buffoonery and cacophony meant to soothe the pockets of those antagonist individuals. Iota is the drop of pearls flowing from eyes aroused to see the agony, unable to do something about it. Iota is the sum of indifference when a 3 month baby is pampered with a Dior and the begger at the parking lot bullied by the driver, courteous to open the Audi door after you gave a speech on child labor. The iota is the sum of those psuedo socialists who snatch development for the sake of their prized "seat" coaxing fools to face police batons, jets of water and smoke of tear gas.

Iota may be around us, but its the iota that makes "Strawberry Fields Forever"- for the unknown it is a John Lennon composition. The clash of "iota" is what makes the "real" thng happen. The iota's around us are shaping the world around. These unkempt voids are the "entropy" sources and sinks. I may be sounding bit vague but explore the iota(s) inside you, do their summation, see their integration into your lives. Our iota(s) are silent like our silence but loud enough when we unleash them on our unfounded lives, moments and even iota(s).

I will splash my iota(s) in some posts( gosh! did i just commit something!)but feel free to put in yours....


  1. Becky turner said...

    You have done a great job on this article. It’s very readable and highly intelligent. You have even managed to make it understandable and easy to read. You have some real writing talent. Thank you.
    3 months baby